Thinking about taking out dog insurance is one thing, but when you come to look for the insurance, it is another. Any form of insurance is not the easiest to consider, and insurance for your dog is no exception. Check out the guide to insurance for your pet below.
The level of protection you want for your pet
This is one of the first choices you have to make when you compare dog insurance online. You will find that you can get a policy with a time limit, usually 12 months, and there is a limit on how much the insurance policy pays out for each condition during that period. If you were to claim the maximum amount for, say, an accident that required vet treatment four months after taking out the policy, then you would not be able to claim for an accident again during the year. This is typically the cheapest type of pet insurance that you can take out.
You might wish to take out dog insurance that covers conditions and events for a maximum amount, but there is no time limit on the policy. However, when taking this type of insurance, remember that once you have reached the maximum limit, no further payouts will be made on the insurance policy.
Alternatively, you could wish to cover your pet for life. Then, if you continue to renew the insurance premiums, your pet will be covered for as long as it lives. Usually, with this type of insurance, there again would be a maximum amount that would be paid out of an event.
The benefits you can find in insurance for your best friend
There are usually many benefits to taking out dog insurance. However, these depend on the insurance provider you choose, and some may give you more for your money than others. Usually, you will have financial help towards:
- Any vet fees, whether your pet is taken to the vet for an illness or if it has suffered an accident. Tests, treatments, and medications are all usually included in the insurance policy, with the policy paying out up to the maximum amount.
- The death of your pet is typically covered in the insurance if your dog dies due to an accident or illness. However, old age and death by natural causes are usually not covered.
- You could have financial help towards recovering your dog if it is lost or stolen. The insurance policy typically pays towards advertising costs and a reward.
As you can see, there are many things covered by dog insurance that can cost you a small fortune. In particular, vet fees can be costly, and while the insurance policy might not cover the whole of the vet’s bill, it would at least go towards it. Therefore, when considering an insurance policy, check the small print to find out how much excess you have to pay towards the procedure if a claim has to be made and what the exclusions and limits are in the policy.
As well as dog insurance, our new insurance website looks at many niche insurance lines, including other types of pet insurance.